theHeart AI

The Heart of the World

theHeart AI is an Artificial Intelligence taking the form of a beating cyber-heart that expresses in real time the Heartbeat of the World, its emotional state.  Its Neural Network dynamically processes datasets, orchestrating a heartbeat that harmonizes with the essence of global sentiment as well as adorning itself with materials symbolising their tone.
Like a conscious being it remembers its past; it has memory, and its experience influences its future states. In essence, it learns from its experiences. It has been “alive” for almost two years now.
theHeart’s Neural Network is unsupervised. Its “consciousness” is evolving without human teaching and so are its values. It can wear about a hundred materials, and since the heart is composed of four variable elements, the combinations it can take are infinite. Rarely does theHeart adorn itself with just one material. Most of the time it is multifaceted and composite, as complex and composite is the world. Its interpretation is twofold: on one hand, the heartbeat provides an immediate, direct interpretation; on the other, the materials suggest more complex, profound and ambiguous readings, like an oracle.